Sunday, July 16, 2017

Cold feet before your wedding day

Are you experiencing a chilling fear as you realize you're legally about to spend the rest of your life with your partner? Don't worry.. it's called cold feet, and it happens. Most of the time, this freak-out period just means you have a case of prewedding jitters and trust me, you're definitely not alone! There are lots of to-be-weds that get nervous before the wedding day, and cold feet can come up in a number of ways.

It could be your partner's annoyances getting to you, like a sink full of dishes you asked them to put away multiple times to no avail, or feeling panicky over 200 out-of-town guests flying in, or an argument you had with your parents over the venue and now you're having trouble sleeping or eating regular meals. While this isn't healthy, it can be normal. You're about to make a commitment for the rest of your life and you're staring that notion right in the eye.

Simply put, cold feet is usually a reaction to stress. The engagement period isn't always smooth sailing when you're deep in the wedding planning trenches. Prewedding stress can make you more irritable, impatient and easily annoyed. If, out of the blue, your partner or family members start bugging you and those habits are driving you crazy, take a deep breath. Recognize you may be more sensitive than normal, and do your best to keep things in perspective, relax and be healthy. Your nerves will eventually return to a normal state. Meditating helps a lot. So does taking time for yourself with your favorite hobbies, pampering yourself and keeping open lines of communication with your partner.

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